Road Blocks, Detours, and A New Path.
Imagine you are driving along merrily when a storm comes out of nowhere. You’re safe but also concerned and a bit anxious. As you trudge along the storm ebbs and flows, but suddenly in a flash, the bridge before you gives way, and you have to come to an unexpected stop. There’s no moving forward, and you can’t back up so you sit there idly, having no idea what to do. You pray it’s just a dream or that someone will come to your rescue and then realize that you and only you will have to find a detour to make it to the other side of this horrible situation. Detours are usually paths that you have never been on. They can be full of turns, hills, curves, lonely back roads, and sometimes full of quicksand. This is the best way to describe grief or at least mine. January 11th, 2007, I married the man of my dreams. I never once thought that years later, the kids and I would be living with him on the other side of life….eternal life. We started a large family, bought a large property, and start...