Happy Mother's Day....Or Not

Mother’s Day is a day of celebration for many, but for some, it can be a difficult and painful reminder. Whether due to strained relationships with one’s own mother or the loss of a parent, this holiday can bring up strong emotions that are hard to manage. It is important to remember that self-care should always come first - no matter what difficulties you may face on Mother's Day. The first thing to remember is that it’s ok to feel whatever emotions this holiday brings up. Whether you’re missing your mom, grieving the loss of a parent, or struggling with a difficult relationship, these feelings are all valid and deserving of recognition. Give yourself permission to take some time for yourself on Mother's Day - indulge in something that makes you happy, like reading a book or taking a hot bath. You don't have to completely avoid any thoughts or discussions related to Mother's Day if you don't want to; instead, try setting boundaries around your time and energy. Fo...