About Us
We are a family-run, and owned farm started in 2014. Thirsty Creek Ranch is home to LaMancha dairy goats, free ranged chickens, handmade Goat Milk Soap, Goat Milk Cheeses, and numerous farm-grown fruits and vegetables. Located in the old apple country of the Kansas countryside, we have a small orchard with apples, peaches, plums, and pears. We offer farm-fresh eggs and our line of Goat Milk Soap , Goat Milk Lotion , and Lip Butters . We moved from the city to the country in search of a better environment to raise our family. Having spent the better part of our lives in the corporate world and living in various big metropolitan cities, we wanted a change. We felt God was calling us to a small city we had barely heard of. Who were we to argue? Having started out on this new adventure, we quickly felt the desire to become more self-sufficient--in terms of providing more of our own food. What started as a trip to the local farm store, returni...
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